Account-level Risk Parameters
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Echelon determines the risk of a loan through the Liquidation Threshold, which is calculated by the weighted average of each collateral type against the total collateral.
When the loan's value relative to the collateral exceeds this threshold, the loan is at risk of being liquidated to protect the protocol's financial health.
A Liquidation Penalty is incurred on the collateral's value during liquidation, serving as a fee for the liquidation process. The Liquidation Factor decides how much of this penalty is directed to the ecosystem's treasury, ensuring a balance between user protection and protocol sustainability.
The Health Factor is a critical gauge of an account's risk, reflecting the proportion of collateral to borrowed assets. It accounts for market fluctuations and collateral performance.
A Health Factor below 1 indicates that the account is under-collateralized, prompting potential liquidation to preserve the protocol's solvency.
Allocates a portion of protocol interest to the ecosystem treasury, calibrated based on asset risk.
Certain assets are limited to Isolation Mode due to high centralization risks. In contrast, certain assets may, despite being decentralized, not be used as collateral due to limited testing and liquidity. Certain assets will be listed as isolated market pairs, while others may be included in the main market. Up to date information for a specific pool’s allowed criteria can be found on the Markets page of the Echelon App.
Market risks directly influence risk parameters, with liquidity and volatility playing key roles. The most volatile assets have lower LTV and higher liquidation thresholds, while more stable assets like stablecoins, APT, and Liquid Staked APT have higher LTV limits.
Max LTV, liquidation threshold, liquidation bonuses and reserve factors are set per market.
Echelon designs these market parameters to be dynamic, reflecting real-time market conditions and maintaining a stable lending environment.